We formed a unique team blending our Japanese legacy and transcreation with IDEON's branding expertise to shift brands towards purpose and contribute to more delightful experiences.

Since 1989
Always something new in mind.
HIDEOKI & Co. holds over thirty years of Japanese brand experience and cultural sensibilities.
We developed a transcreation approach that’s crucial to our process and successful activations.
IDEON powers our branding. Chief Brand Officer Andrea Katz and Chief Strategy Officer Martyn Straw, each carry an impressive track record, delivering successful results for Fortune 500 brands.
They bring their profound insights and vast knowledge, shifting brands from “What” to “Why.”
Japanese brands are mostly "What" brands focusing on the quality of their product features instead of benefits. Despite their remarkability, only five are in the top 100 global brands today.
Japanese global brand value growth continues to lag because of the " What" approach used locally. As a result, brands will persist in falling behind "Why" global brands.
We define and strengthen your "Why" positioning and messaging, transcreating across cultural gaps and activating for the global market. Working towards sustainable business and brand growth, we conduct research, plan, strategize, design, and activate. Together, we align creative solutions with your objectives, unlock growth potential, and increase brand value.
Your clear brand purpose, your "Why," will guide and drive creative and strategic executions, internally and externally, locally and globally, and become among the Top Global Brands.